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June 2011

Articles From Fiona Graham-Mackay in June
Friday Jun 24, 2011 30:00 PM ET
London. Lulu, who does my morning coffee on Frith Street, says the nice Jeffrey Archer is rethinking his life now he's 70. Part of the deal (who with she doesn't say) is that he's sent a chunk of his art...
Friday Jun 17, 2011 35:00 PM ET
Florence: I was a student in Paris. Cold? It was the winter the sewers froze. My studio sliding window never properly closed and the brown blanket curtain never fitted and I had no money.
Friday Jun 10, 2011 15:00 PM ET
London. Nadal won Paris. Wimbledon's coming. So it's doing its best to rain but not on the smartest art parade in the nation's capital - the annual Summer Show at The Royal Academy.It's a major fundraising event for the Academy,...
Friday Jun 3, 2011 30:00 PM ET
VENICE. Can any arts festival be so romantic?  The Doges themselves head to foot in their gold threads of privilege could not make a more spectacular entrance than 200 exhibitors and collaborators in this 54th international Biennale. Venice can be...

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