Last night on Two and a Half Men, Walden asked Jake what his "deal" was:
Walden: "So what's your deal?"
Jake: "Huh?"
Walden: (louder and more emphatic) "What's your deal?"
Jake: "I'm 17; I don't think I have a deal yet."
Walden: "Ahh, come on...everybody's got a deal. Your deal is you got no deal."
Jake: (thoughtfully, like a light bulb has gone off in his head, albeit a dim one) "I'm a man without a deal."
Unlike Jake, Mark Macdonald is a man with a deal. THE deal when it comes to nutrition and fitness.
When I first heard about his new book, Body Confidence, I was a skeptical. Great... another hyped-up diet book that says it is not a diet book. I was wrong. Body Confidence is the real deal, as is his Venice Nutrition System that inspired it.
I had the opportunity to speak with Mark yesterday. He is passionate and persuasive, but more importantly, thoughtful, genuine and patient. In preparing to speak with him, I watched a couple of interviews and was struck by how genuine he seemed. He looked and spoke like the real deal, but, I was still skeptical. However,10 minutes into our conversation, I was convinced: He is the real deal!
Mark knows that “diet” is a dirty work when it comes to weight loss, and he knows that anything worth having is worth working for. He knows it’s not about losing weight, but about process and about changing your life, not just for today and tomorrow, but for the rest of your days on planet Earth. He is on to something, and we need to pay attention.
Over the next few days, I'll share his story and our conversation. I need some time to process it—I’m still trying to get my head around his approach, but I know that at its core, it is the right one (the swanky one too!), and I wanted to get a quick word out while I find the words to tell you more.
So, get the book, start reading, and start thinking about how you are going to change your life for the better. Meanwhile, take a look at Chelsea Handler interviewing Mark on her show, Chelsea Lately. Mark is not only her nutritionist; he is also a good friend.
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