Perhaps the near ubiquity of vampires and zombies in popular culture of late has to do with the grim state of the world economy, the seeming overabundance of natural disasters, and our proximity to 2012. EVERYTHING is aligned against us and vampires and zombies personify an implacable universe feeding upon us, draining us of our vital fluids, energies, our very humanity.
Or maybe they're just cool.
Either way, Spike's fearsome comparative bad ass series, Deadliest Warrior, wraps season three with a gruesome flight of fancy, "Vampires vs Zombies," with a detailed and "scientific" look at which version of The Undead would come out on top in a duel to the death. Since zombies are simply reanimated corpses, I would have to vote "vampire," since they can think and stuff.
Guest experts include George Romero (Night of the Living Dead), (Max Brooks (World War Z), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Scott Bowen (Vampire Survival Guide) and Matt Mogk (founder of the Zombie Research Society). The flesh eaters face off September 14 at 10pm.
Or maybe they're just cool.
Either way, Spike's fearsome comparative bad ass series, Deadliest Warrior, wraps season three with a gruesome flight of fancy, "Vampires vs Zombies," with a detailed and "scientific" look at which version of The Undead would come out on top in a duel to the death. Since zombies are simply reanimated corpses, I would have to vote "vampire," since they can think and stuff.
Guest experts include George Romero (Night of the Living Dead), (Max Brooks (World War Z), Steve Niles (30 Days of Night), Scott Bowen (Vampire Survival Guide) and Matt Mogk (founder of the Zombie Research Society). The flesh eaters face off September 14 at 10pm.