This woman is well known in the UK, although her fame has spread beyond its shores. Shy and retiring she is not. Forests have been felled so that she can feature on countless pages of newspapers and magazines. None of this happens by chance: her type of publicity is a money-generating machine, ruthlessly controlled by her.
Staff and even guests at her home have to sign confidentiality contracts. If you were unfortunate enough to be asked to one of her tacky parties or dinners you would have to sign a legally binding non-disclosure document before you entered the door. No wonder little of what her home life is really like gets out.
Staff and even guests at her home have to sign confidentiality contracts. If you were unfortunate enough to be asked to one of her tacky parties or dinners you would have to sign a legally binding non-disclosure document before you entered the door. No wonder little of what her home life is really like gets out.