Thank God for Ant-Man. The Peyton Reed-directed superhero hit might not have been as popular at the box office as Marvel's other summer tentpole, but it sure was a lot more fun. What a neat counterpoint Ant-Man provided to the overblown, overstuffed, overlong Avengers: Age of Ultron. Reed and company, led by Paul Rudd as criminal-turned-miniscule-hero Scott Lang, dared to go small. The result? More humor and heart than Joss Whedon's mega-budget folly.
So we're happy to report that Marvel Studios and Disney are bringing Ant-Man to home video very soon. First up for the early birds: Digital 3D, Digital HD, and Disney Movies Anywhere on November 17. The 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack, standard Blu-ray, DVD, and On-Demand options arrive on December 8.
Special features on the 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, Digital HD (may vary by retailer), and Disney Movies Anywhere editions include:
"Making Of An Ant-Sized Heist: A How-To Guide" - Set your watch and count down the action in this fast-paced behind-the-scenes look at how to pull off a heist movie, including Scott Lang’s hilarious heist “family,” Ant-Man’s costume, plus amazing stunts and effects.
"Let’s Go To The Macroverse" - Shrink down to size in this fascinating look at creating the world from Ant-Man’s perspective, from macro photography through the subatomic.
"WHIH NewsFront" - A hard-hitting collection of content, including a glimpse at the future of Pym Technologies with Darren Cross, anchor Christine Everhart’s interview with soon-to-be-released prisoner Scott Lang on his notorious VistaCorp heist, and more.
Deleted & Extended Scenes
Gag Reel
Audio Commentary By Peyton Reed And Paul Rudd
Note: the standard DVD edition contains just a deleted scene as a bonus feature.
So we're happy to report that Marvel Studios and Disney are bringing Ant-Man to home video very soon. First up for the early birds: Digital 3D, Digital HD, and Disney Movies Anywhere on November 17. The 3D Blu-ray Combo Pack, standard Blu-ray, DVD, and On-Demand options arrive on December 8.
Special features on the 3D Blu-ray, Blu-ray, Digital HD (may vary by retailer), and Disney Movies Anywhere editions include:
"Making Of An Ant-Sized Heist: A How-To Guide" - Set your watch and count down the action in this fast-paced behind-the-scenes look at how to pull off a heist movie, including Scott Lang’s hilarious heist “family,” Ant-Man’s costume, plus amazing stunts and effects.
"Let’s Go To The Macroverse" - Shrink down to size in this fascinating look at creating the world from Ant-Man’s perspective, from macro photography through the subatomic.
"WHIH NewsFront" - A hard-hitting collection of content, including a glimpse at the future of Pym Technologies with Darren Cross, anchor Christine Everhart’s interview with soon-to-be-released prisoner Scott Lang on his notorious VistaCorp heist, and more.
Deleted & Extended Scenes
Gag Reel
Audio Commentary By Peyton Reed And Paul Rudd
Note: the standard DVD edition contains just a deleted scene as a bonus feature.