Any farmer can tell you that a good apple crop must be nurtured and cared for — a philosophy that Steve Jobs took to heart as he spent the last 30+ years growing and tending the biggest, most innovative Apple of them all.
Over the course of several decades, Jobs in many ways led the charge in the newly-minted field of personal computer technology; in many houses, like my childhood home, a Mac was the first computer to find its way onto desks in dens and home offices. He continued to push his trailblazing company to break new barriers in a way that has, in many cases, left competitors struggling to keep up and inspired so many to follow their dreams — and his lead — into the ever-expanding universe of technology.
Unfortunately, it seems that some of the most incredible lives are those that are cut the shortest.
Jobs had battled pancreatic cancer on and off for the past seven years, even taking a leave of absence from his post as Apple’s CEO in 2009 to undergo a liver transplant in hopes of finally beating the disease into submission. The cancer, however, didn’t yield and, only six weeks ago, as his health continued to deteriorate, Jobs handed over his position as CEO to Tim Cook.
Jobs leaves behind an incredible legacy and one which a statement posted on the Apple website tonight sums up both simply and eloquently:
“Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.”