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Articles From June 22, 2011
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 55:00 PM ET
New York City is a perpetual jazzfest, and here's what this weekend has to offer.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 50:00 PM ET
As a longtime city-dweller as well as a traveling musician, I've always been somewhat aware of the epidemic of homelessness. In New York, the homeless population is so visible it's impossible not to encounter homeless individuals walking even one block,...
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 30:00 PM ET
Knowing how to dress for work is almost as important as knowing how to do your job. Think I'm exaggerating?
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Alright, American men. You got me. You completely had me believing that this week had secretly been dubbed: "Let's Pretend it's 1695 and Marry Underage Girls Like It's Socially Acceptable" Week. Kind of like Shark Week, but with creepier predators and more boobalicious prey.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 45:00 PM ET
The first lesson in Michelangelo's School of Sculpting (aka Weight Loss) is getting to the bottom of the internal chatter that has you reach for food. Imagine Michelangelo whispering negative things into the marble as he chipped away unveiling the David's body.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 00:00 PM ET
Doug Hutchison, the 51 year-old actor who has appeared in The Green Mile, Lost, and The X-Files, proudly and openly married 16 year-old aspiring country singer and former beauty queen, Courtney Alexis Stodden recently in La Vegas. Yes, 51 and 16.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 59:25 AM ET
What a year it has been for the Middletons. A future queen and now a possible princess in waiting. What price a knighthood for Mr Middleton?
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 40:00 AM ET
Ryan O'Neal has a new show to promote with his daughter Tatum O'Neal, aptly titled Ryan and Tatum: The O'Neals, so it's no surprise he's once again using the life and death of his former love Farrah Fawcett to launch himself back into the spotlight.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 00:00 AM ET
With her beautifully nuanced vocal talent, one that is nearly impossible to replicate, Jolie Holland becomes a storyteller of our lives and its heartbreaks and disappointments. But there's joy in there as well. And promise too.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Look around you. It doesn't matter where you are, just look around and take in the color. Is the place you're currently in all teal, or is vibrant like, you know, reality? Hollywood wants you to believe it's all teal, orange and teal specifically.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 40:00 AM ET
Twitter aflutter with Bieber death rumors; Anthrax guitarist Scott Ian takes maternity leave; and did Gene Simmons and Shannon Tweed kiss and make up?
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 30:00 AM ET
Mothers beware: If you are going to take your eyes off of your toddler, make sure your Facebook status isn't up to date, your house has been feng shui-ed, and you've got your face on.
Wednesday Jun 22, 2011 00:00 AM ET
On this day in 1970, rock gods Led Zeppelin appeared at Laugardalsholl Hall, Reykjavik, Iceland, as guests of the Icelandic government on a cultural mission.
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